Ultra-Lean Diet tablet and Fat burner, Slimming aid from Pro-10 Cheap

Customer Rating :
Rating: 3.4

List Price : Price : £19.99
Ultra-Lean Diet tablet and Fat burner, Slimming aid from Pro-10

Product Description

This highly effective weight loss tool will help you speed up the metabolism and cause a Thermo reaction which helps to burn more calories.

With known weight reducing herbs such as green tea, Guarana have a mild stimulating effect to get you going and help you push yourself further.

  • Contains ingredients have been proven in scientific research to help you burn and reduce body fat
  • This diet aid contains Energy giving herbs such as green tea, guarana and grapfruit extract helping you get more out of your life
  • 200 Tablets working out at 10p per capsule, a great value highly effective fat burner
  • Contains a Natural Diaretic and live tonic Dandelion root, which helps you lose the the bulges quicker
  • Take between one and 5 per day for potential ultimate weight loss.

Ultra-Lean Diet tablet and Fat burner, Slimming aid from Pro-10 Reviews

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