Slim & Go Weight Loss Belt and Slimming Pants For Women by Dr Rechell - save 10% on Caffeine Inch Loss Belt & Panty (Black - XS) Reviews

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List Price : £73.00 Price : £65.70
Slim & Go Weight Loss Belt and Slimming Pants For Women by Dr Rechell - save 10% on Caffeine Inch Loss Belt & Panty (Black - XS)

Product Description

Brand New from France is the DrRechell® Slim & Go® slimming belt & panty which are discrete, comfortable and pleasant to wear and its average results are due to a long lasting tightening action of caffeine.

You can lose inches from your waist with the Slimming Belt or lose inches from your tummy and thighs with the Slimming Panty.

For maxiumum results, we recommend you wear your slimming belt or slimming pants daily and continuously for a month and for at least 8 hours each day even during sports.

The efficacy of Slim&Go products can cause a light sweating which will be absorbed by the textile.

Directions For Use: Slim&Go and its cosmetic active ingredients are protected in a plastic bad for a total hygiene. Simply open the bag and remove your belt/panty. Wear it with the active disks against your skin. Caffeine and other active ingredients are diffused immediately upon contact with your skin, providing moisturizing and slimming care to your body.

Slim&Go Slimming Belt & Panty is washable and lasts for approximately 30 washes. However do not iron.

  • Infused with Caffeine
  • Discrete, comfortable and pleasant to wear
  • Lasts 30 washes
  • Available in white and black in sizes XS - XL
  • You can lose inches from your waist with the Slimming Belt or lose inches from your tummy and thighs with the Slimming Panty.

Slim & Go Weight Loss Belt and Slimming Pants For Women by Dr Rechell - save 10% on Caffeine Inch Loss Belt & Panty (Black - XS) Reviews
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