Ultra-Lean Diet tablet and Fat burner, Slimming aid from Pro-10 Deals

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Rating: 4.4

List Price : £19.99 Price : £19.99
Ultra-Lean Diet tablet and Fat burner, Slimming aid from Pro-10

Product Description

Ultra-lean fat burner from Pro-10 is a great value diet aid, that contains a mix of thermo nutrients, energy giving herbs such as Green tea, guarana and Grapefruit extract.

Created with the aim of helping people lose weight quicker and easier. We have mixed a ideal blend of ingredients that have under gone research in their fat burning and calorie burning properties.

We have sourced some of the best know herbs for weight loss and blended them into this performance inducing capsule. You get a whopping 200 Capsules per bag , which make it not only a great product but a great value one as well.

Garcinia cambogia 1150.0mg
Citrus aurantium 278.0mg
Gymnema sylvestre 250.0mg
Taraxicum officinale 250.0mg
L-Tyrosine 250.0mg
Guarana 231.5mg
Green Tea 83.5mg
Of which Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) 8.0mg
Grapefruit extract 80.0mg
Coleus forskohlii 25.0mg
Copper glycinate chelate 1.3mg
Chromium picolinate 0.5mg
Of which Chromium 60ìg
Bovine gelatine (capsule),
Microcrystalline cellulose,
Silicium dioxide.

  • Contains ingredients have been proven in scientific research to help you burn and reduce body fat
  • This diet aid contains Energy giving herbs such as green tea, guarana and grapfruit extract helping you get more out of your life
  • 200 Tablets working out at 10p per capsule, a great value highly effective fat burner
  • Contains a Natural Diaretic and live tonic Dandelion root, which helps you lose the the bulges quicker
  • Take between one and 5 per day for potential ultimate weight loss.

Ultra-Lean Diet tablet and Fat burner, Slimming aid from Pro-10 Reviews

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